
Like many events recently, COVID-19 led to the cancellation of Milligan University’s study abroad program for this semester.  The Los Angeles Film Studies Center (LAFSC) program was one of the study abroad trips cancelled. LAFSC is run through BestSemester, an organization affiliated with the Council of Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU). Amanda Lorch, senior film […]


Milligan College’s Study Abroad partner and nonprofit Christian Missionary Fellowship (CMF) is still working hard during the pandemic.  CMF International is a ministry based out of Indianapolis, Indiana. They have operations in 25 countries that plant churches and campus ministries, boost community outreach and serve the poor through sponsorship, job training and microfinance loans.  Through […]


The COVID-19 outbreak has impacted almost every single person on the planet in some way. Being well informed on this topic is vitally important; the truth has arguably never been more important, and perhaps less distinguishable, than the misinformation one can be exposed to. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease that is caused […]


This article is co-written by Amy Shumaker and Jordan Burch. With the current status of our country, many states and counties have established “shelter at home” orders. Schools and businesses have been moved online, but many careers do not have this option. With such sudden uncertainty in the economy and public safety, it has many […]


While most students use spring break for vacations with family and friends, nine Milligan students and one faculty member traveled to Sosnoweic, Poland this spring break to perform service-learning work.  “We do not intend to waltz in and fix problems, nor do we intend to be the saving grace of the people we will be […]


There are over 78,000 confirmed cases and over 2,000 deaths from the coronavirus epidemic as of Feb. 23 according to the World Health Organization (WHO), a group that helps organize international health efforts. The disease has been officially named the “coronavirus disease 2019,” or “COVID-19” for short, according to the Center for Disease Control and […]


Recently on various social media platforms, a new “meme” is trending which pokes fun at the generation of people born between 1946 and 1965. This generation is also known as “boomers,” and says that the meme was created to prove that this demographic is “out of touch.” The trend was popularized on Twitter this […]


On Nov. 22 “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” was released in the United States. The movie is a modern adaptation of the Mr. Roger’s children show that ran for 33 years. The movie is based on true events of the well-known article “Can You Say…Hero” in Esquire Magazine, published in November 1998. The movie […]
