Just seeing the word savings, most of you will half-chuckle and blow right by this section because you have either exhausted your savings to attend college, or you don’t have the capacity to plan for the future at the moment. Either way, savings seem both impossible and unimportant at this stage of life. Let me […]
With all the new coaches and players on our teams this year, it’s easy for us Milligan sports fans to ask ourselves, “What will these new people add to the team?”, “What will their seasons be like?” and maybe, “What can we expect from the team as a whole?”. But have we ever stopped to […]
As a college student, you may not have work study on campus or a job off of campus. You might get money from your parents for gas and books, but outside of that, you you might not have anything else. However, there is hope! The Plasma Biological Center in downtown Johnson City is a quick […]
The Tri-Cities had their first ever gay pride rally on Sept. 15, attended by what organizers estimated to be 7,000-10,000, including several Milligan students and employees. The Stampede sat down with students and employees to talk about the event and the topic of gay rights and Christianity. The parade and rally was put on by […]
If you are a millennial who lives in Tennessee, you fit into the least likely demographic in the country to vote this November. According to an analysis by PEW Charitable Trust on the previous midterm election in 2014, voter turnout in Tennessee is the lowest in the country, at just 28.5 percent. Their analysis also […]
On Sept. 29 the League of the South (LOS), a Southern Nationalist organization, is scheduled to hold a rally at Sycamore Shoals State Park in Elizabethton, Tennessee. The LOS has sixteen state chapters according to its website. The sixteen chapters represent each of the 11 former Confederate States of America as well as Oklahoma, which […]
Additional reporting by Jordyn Morel Milligan introduces three new academic programs to campus this fall. The Ministry Leadership Program and Musical Theater major both seek to build on similar pre-existing degrees, while the Physician Assistant Program is brand new this year. The Ministry Leadership program will be directed by Milligan alum and recent employee, Dr. […]
Hayao Miyazaki is a Japanese animation director known for his films with Studio Ghibli. He started his career in the early 1960s and became involved with many classics of Japanese animations. His two most famous films, Princess Mononoke (1997) and Spirited Away (2001), have attracted many audiences to their stunning individual world and given a […]
If you have watched the news lately, chances are you have seen at least one story about a school shooting. Even just a few weeks ago, on Aug. 27, there was an active shooter situation just 15 minutes away from us at Eastern Tennessee State University. The Stampede wanted to know what questions Milligan students […]