For all students and faculty at Milligan University, the Fall semester of 2020 will always be remembered as different and special. Adjusting collegiate careers to a global pandemic has been everything but easy and has required strong efforts of everyone within Milligan’s community.  With the end of an unconventional semester, it is time to look […]


The year of 2020 has proven to be a time of uncertainty and change. Some of these changes have occurred on the Milligan campus to ensure the safety of faculty, staff and students But among the student body, freshman students’ perspectives of the school vastly differ from those of the seniors. Senior Callie Daniel is […]


Milligan University student’s continue to gain experience through internships this semester despite a global pandemic.  “Students gain valuable experience and develop marketable skills through an internship,” said Director of Calling and Career Exploration, Beth Anderson. “Even if an internship is not directly related to their future career, the opportunity to build competencies valued and sought […]


Milligan University transferred to a semi online format this semester due to the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic to maintain both education and safety. This follows the trend in society of daily life and a more distanced approach to gatherings to protect the community.  Online classes have become an expectation across the country. Milligan chose […]


Milligan’s Pizza opened on Nov. 2 and according to owner Costa Koubis, aka “Gus,” business has been good.  MIlligan’s Pizza is a small, privately owned pizza shop located at 1436 Milligan Hwy, Johnson City, TN where the Hungry Wolf Cafe used to be.  During their first week they have already seen quite a few Milligan […]


Milligan’s streaming services for athletic events have gone from free to paid, while most attendees have no choice but to watch from home.   Director of Multimedia Services and Esports Head Coach Micah Ridley explained what the payment options are and why this change was made. “We have had an increase in demand for streamed events, […]
