Meet the Faces of Res-Life
Need a maintenance form filed because your hot water is out again? A coffee break because you’re so overwhelmed with studying and homework? Someone to talk to, laugh with, or cry with? Meet your RA. We caught up with some of Milligan’s Residence Life staff to talk about who they are, where they are from, […]
3 Clubs You May Have Missed on Rush Day
Milligan Agriculture Club This club was started just last semester, but leaders say they have big, exciting plans for the future. The Agriculture Club’s main goal is to grow a community not only on campus, but in the surrounding area as well, by gardening together. The main goal this semester is to resurrect the overgrown […]
Rush Day
New security cameras installed
CAB Hosts Labor Day Paddleboarding Event
Over the 83-degree Labor Day weekend, a small group of Milligan students exchanged the indoors for the outdoors in Asheville, North Carolina. Students went stand-up paddleboarding along the French Broad River. The Milligan Campus Activity Board (CAB) sponsored the two-hour event, and, for a majority of the students, this was their first encounter with the […]
Greer Announces Launch of 2 New Grad Programs
Thursday afternoon President Bill Greer held a press conference in the Cafeteria Annex, where he announced Milligan College’s plan to launch two new graduate programs this summer: Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership and Education Specialist. After giving opening remarks, Greer welcomed Director of Elizabethton City Schools Dr. Corey Gardenhour to the podium. “I’m so […]
Stampede TV Fall 2015 Blooper Reel
Students Participate in New Class to Reduce Stress and Focus on Spirituality
Beginning on Thursday, March 19th, A small group of Milligan students bent their bodies into pretzel twists and said “namaste” as they participated in “Yoga for Stress Management” classes at Milligan. Milligan’s Counseling Center kicked off the first class in the Gilliam Wellness Center, and counseling interns Corri Richardson and Lauren Ray led the […]
‘Sweet Sounds’ a Sweet Success
Friday, February 14, was the night of the third annual Sweet Sounds: Dessert Cabaret in the cafeteria of Milligan College. The evening featured many Milligan musicians and delectable desserts. The evening began with sound checks from each group/soloist who was on the itinerary. Professors Charlotte Anderson and Noah Delong assisted everyone in making sure everything […]