VITA Program to Help Local Community with Taxes
Milligan College will, once again, be a hosting site for the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. This will be the eighth year the program has taken place at the college. Occurring over three days – Feb. 18, March 18, and April 1 – from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., individuals can come to Milligan […]
A Recap of Family Weekend Festivities
Everyone looks forward to the weekend, but this past weekend was extra special as families flooded Milligan’s campus for Family Weekend. There were a number of events held on campus including Mr. Buff, various sporting events and the Dean’s List ceremony. The main event on Friday evening was the Mr. Buff competition, a male talent […]
Dr. John Jackson Presents His Research on the Old Testament
Thunderous applause concluded Monday night’s faculty lecture in Hyder Auditorium on “imaging God.” Dr. John Jackson, associate professor of Bible and humanities, presented his research and gave the crowd some insight into the book he is working on. “The church doesn’t have a place for the Old Testament,” Jackson said, beginning his lecture. He spoke […]
A Call for Action: IJM Week at Milligan College
From Feb. 21 to Feb. 25, Milligan College hosted Justice Week, a week aimed at addressing and bringing awareness to social and human rights issues. On Tuesday, the organization held a “conversation cafe,” an interactive evening of conversations that sought to help students understand how human rights abuse can affect them. On Wednesday, IJM hosted […]
What Are the Future Plans for Milligan’s Campus? Q&A With President Bill Greer
(President Greer opened the Q&A with a discussion regarding fundraising plans and campus advancements.) “Many of you may not know this, but we are in the midst of the tail end of a comprehensive capital campaign for Milligan. This document here, as the campaign brochure, is the collection of fundraising priorities. I assume that you […]
Administration Speaks on Campus Parking
Students have plenty of spaces to park on campus, according to administration. After a report in the Stampede last month (Feb. 9) suggested otherwise, President Bill Greer and Director of Property and Risk Management Brent Nipper met with the Stampede to provide more information regarding the parking situation. According to Nipper, there are 914 students […]
Spanish Classes Use Twitter as Intercollegiate Community-Building Platform
Students are being pushed to use their language skills outside the classroom by engaging in weekly conversations via Twitter. It is a collaboration between students taking Spanish courses at both Milligan and the University of Iowa. Students from both classes tweet their thoughts with the hashtag “comelibros,” the Spanish equivalent of “bookworm.” Milligan’s Assistant Professor […]
Introducing a New Campus Club: The Herd
These Buffs can be seen during the day strolling around campus enjoying all the Milligan plains have to offer, but when it’s game day something clicks, and The Herd unleashes their school spirit. Sophomores Joe Lyttle and Brian Sackett started The Herd, a school club dedicated to enthusiastically supporting Milligan athletics. Lyttle saw the need […]
Milligan Graduates Speak on Their Spring Break Memories
Spring break is just around the corner, so as you’re packing up for your very own trip, here are some favorite memories of Milligan graduates’ past spring breaks. Graduate Daniel Ball said his best spring break was his junior year when his best friend, Colby, paid for him to fly in to Denver, Colo. They […]