Milligan’s fine arts program will hold its next art exhibit, “Two Cats and a Herd of Buffalo,” on February 7, 2025, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in downtown Johnson City. The student art and design showcase will run from Feb. 7, 2025, to March 3, 2025, at Dos Gatos Coffee Bar in Johnson City. 

“It is our big show for the school year where all the art majors participate and show off their work,” Adam Bengtson, a junior graphic design major said. “Art and design is my passion. I like the process of trying to communicate a message while also balancing the appeal and intentionality of the design.” 

The show includes works by art, photography, graphic design and interactive media design students. Beverages can be purchased; free buttons are collected on opening night. 

“We have a lot of very talented students and just some really cool work to show,” Art Brown, associate professor of graphic design, said about this year’s show. “We just like to get our students’ work and help the public to see it.” 

Furthermore, the exhibit highlights the long-lasting tradition of Milligan’s art shows downtown that have been part of the campus community since 2003. 

Eleanor Stoneham, one of this year’s artists, is grateful for the opportunity that this show and Dos Gatos give her and other students. “I think it’s great for art students and non-art students to come and see the work that their friends are doing, outside of Milligan borders.” 

More information and a countdown to the beginning of the show, made by students, can be found on the Milligan Media Arts Instagram page. All students and faculty are invited to attend opening night. 

About The Author:

Emily Haas is a freshman from Hildesheim, Germany. She is a journalism major and a member of Milligan’s swim team. She enjoys traveling, reading, and finding geocaches.

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