Milligan students gathered in lower Seeger for My Two Words Thursday evening. Senior psychology major Sam Konstantopoulos and junior psychology and student-ministry major Valerie Couper shared their stories. 

Every year at Milligan, students have the opportunity to hear the testimonies of their fellow peers through My Two Words, a student-led event sponsored  by the Apostolos missions club. My Two Words is an open platform for students to freely and safely share their personal stories and experiences while emphasizing two words to reflect their stories. 

Konstantopoulos’s two words were “keep going,” referring to lessons he and his family learned after struggling with serious illnesses. 

Couper’s two words were “empty” and “community.”

“It’s important for people to understand the journey of their peers,” Couper said. “A lot of people feel like they’re alone but an event like this allows people to open up and relate to one another.” 

With community as one of her chosen two words, she expressed the importance of developing community at Milligan.

“It has to be a continuous thing,” she said. “I hope people walk away understanding how important a community is and that they’re not alone. 

When she is not playing soccer or writing music, Couper is working to one day become a youth pastor. This is something she believed helped her remain confident while telling her story. 

“I wasn’t really nervous,” she said. “My story is like God’s trophy on all He’s brought me through, and I love sharing that with others.” 

If you are interested in speaking at My Two Words contact the Apostolos missions club.

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