When the students of Dr. Aaron Allen’s Calculus 2 class found out that he would not be returning to teach at Milligan next semester, they decided to throw him a surprise party to show him how much they appreciate him, and how much they will miss him next year. 

On Tuesday, April 20, students of Dr. Allen met at the SUB, and walked to the Calculus 2 class together to surprise their professor. 

The students presented Dr. Allen with a card that read, “You are a reminder of what is good in the world.” He responded to the class, “You guys are my reminder of what is good.” 

Dr. Allen reads a card given to him by his students.

Dr. Allen has been an Associate Professor of Mathematics at Milligan college for 12 years. Over the course of his career, he has taught nearly all the math courses offered at Milligan. Next semester, he will be serving as Associate Professor of Mathematics at North Carolina Wesleyan College in Rocky Mount, NC.

“Dr. Allen shows up to class with enthusiasm, making it easier to pay attention,” explains Junior Dustin Bartley. “He has positively impacted my learning experience by always being willing to answer any questions that I have.” 

Bartley is a part of the Calculus 2 class that has rallied to celebrate Dr.Allen before he leaves. 

“The idea for the party was a group effort by the Calc 2 class. He is a great guy and a good teacher. We figured he deserved to know his impact on us,” said Bartley. 

Over the course of the semester, the students feel as though they have not only gotten to know Dr. Allen as a teacher, but a friend as well. Even during the complexities of the pandemic, Dr. Allen was able to form relationships with his students. 

Student got a cookie cake for Dr. Allen that says “Triple A Calls it a Day!”

Eli Ensley is a freshman this year, and he had Dr. Allen for his first collegiate math courses. 

“As a freshman, I didn’t know what to expect. Dr. Allen was my first college math teacher. I’m glad I got the chance to have him. He has made the transition to college a good experience,” said Ensley. 

The students chipped in as a class to buy Dr. Allen a cake that reads, “Triple A Calls It a Day.” According to the students, when Dr. Allen ends class early he says, “I think I’m gonna call it a day.” This is one of the many things the students have come to love about their professor.

While Dr. Allen is excited to join the staff at North Carolina Wesleyan College, there are parts of Milligan’s campus he will miss.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed helping my students to not only better understand mathematics, but to also appreciate the beauty of logical thinking and problem-solving,” said Dr. Allen. “Moreover, the students have given me encouragement whenever I have my moments of doubt.  I will deeply miss the students and the faculty when I leave here.” 

The students spent the class period listening to stories from Dr. Allen’s time at Milligan and learning about his new job in North Carolina.

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