Milligan will introduce the Interactive Media Design (IMD) major in the fall of 2021. This new major was created to replace the current Communications major with a concentration of Digital Media, and the curriculum was developed by Professor Karahann Kiser. 

The IMD major is a part of the redesigning of the Communications program at Milligan. 

“The re-design process began in order to adapt to emerging technologies. In a field that changes rapidly, as digital media tends to be, degree programs must try to rethink their curriculum regularly in order to remain relevant,” explained Professor Kiser. 

“We are hoping to bring a studio-like atmosphere into the classroom, with opportunities to create communicative artforms that focus on human/computer interaction.”

The Interactive Media Design major is going to focus on topics such as motion graphics, interface design and augmented reality.

Professor Kiser was hired at Milligan last year to serve as assistant professor of interactive media and design, but she was also tasked with creating the curriculum for the Interactive Media Design major. 

“Developing curriculum is quite a lengthy process! I have been developing the curriculum for Interactive Media Design and also the Digital Illustration Minor for about a year now. This was the task that Milligan essentially recruited me to do,” said Professor Kiser. 

The intention for the Interactive Media Design major (IMD) is to educate students as servant leader graduates who have a balance of theory and skills in three fields of computer-based  graphics: Motion Design, Web Design, and Print Design. It is aimed at creating astute visual communicators, and the program’s study of multiple interactive media platforms will broaden the  student’s understanding of human-computer interaction. 

Students will have the opportunity to study digital culture, gain real-world experience, create an online portfolio, and display works in exhibits. Graduates will be able to pursue their design careers with well-rounded digital skills that will help them compete in an  ever-evolving market.

New courses for this major include Motion Graphics, Vector Animation, Interactive Media, Digital Illustration and Experimental Media.

“I am hoping to cultivate a creative atmosphere primed for ground-breaking innovation in the creative use of emerging technologies. Students will be exposed to many aspects of design and learn about the importance of intuitive creative problem solving -which is where good design begins,” said Professor Kiser. 

“In short, this is a program that will help students develop a portfolio of experience-driven communication art.”
If you have any questions about the Interactive Media Design major, you can contact Professor Kiser,

Headline photo: Photo from

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