Milligan’s Goah students volunteered at Good Samaritan Ministries, an organization dedicated to fighting poverty, on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Students were meant to be helping the organization pack food boxes and sort donations according to Gwen Ellis, Milligan’s director of multicultural engagement and faculty advisor for the Goah program.
The Goah Scholars Program recognizes students whose diverse cultural backgrounds enhance the educational experience for all students. These students regularly participate in service projects.
“Goah students are required to do community service as part of their scholarship contract,” said Ellis. “Usually they work individually, but sometimes an organization will call to see if we can send a group. Our Goah President, Alexandra Reynoso organized this one.”
Reynoso chose to organize this event with a familiar service site.
“I’ve volunteered with them in the past and their ministry does amazing work in our community,” said Reynoso. “Good Samaritan has volunteer opportunities throughout the year, and I would highly encourage anyone who wants to get involved in the community to contact them about volunteering.”
Reynoso has also organized a second volunteer day, April 10, at Good Samaritan.
Goah students are not required to participate in every volunteer event, but they are highly encouraged to according to Reynoso and Ellis.
“My hope is always that they will become invested in an organization and continue in service beyond their requirement,” said Ellis.
For more information on the Goah program, click here. To learn more about Good Samaritan Ministries and ways you can help, visit their website.
Headline photo: Good Samaritan Ministries was founded in Johnson City on March 8, 1985.