Rush Day 2020 took place Sept. 16 on the Mary Sword Commons. The event is held annually and is a chance for Milligan University clubs and, traditionally, local businesses to meet with students. 

The biggest change from years’ past was the lack of local businesses. To limit contact and keep community members safe, only Milligan clubs were present at the event. 

Rush Day is hosted by the Campus Activities Board (CAB). CAB members handed out free Chick-fil-a chicken biscuits as an incentive for students to attend the event. 

Left to Right: Sanctuary leadership team Emmanuel co-president Lauren Maes, Milligan co-president Alyssa Myers and faculty advisor Shauna Nefos Webb stand at their table. Photo from Milligan Facebook.

Milligan is home to 36 clubs and organizations, ranging alphabetically from Alpha-Chi Honor Society to the newly announced Women’s Flag Football team. 

Approximately 15 clubs had tables at Rush Day, including Sanctuary, WUMC, Multicultural Affairs Club and Drum Line. 

“We were really happy with the engagement we got at our table,” said Alyssa Myers, co-president of Sanctuary. “Personally I was super glad Rush Day could still happen especially since we are a new club.”

Coronavirus safety steps were applied to the event, tables and chairs were spaced out as well as being held outside. 

“I was really happy with the COVID measures,” said Myers. “The tables were spread out and everyone was wearing masks.”

The morning of the event Jason Onks, director of campus activities, sent an email to all Milligan students with contact information for all clubs. 

Headline photo:  Rush Day on the Commons was much smaller this year than in year’s past. Photo by Laney Butt.

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