Milligan College has its first reported case of COVID-19. On March 26 at 1:30 p.m., President Bill Greer sent out an email to inform the community that one of Milligan’s employees has tested positive for the coronavirus.

According to the email, the individual is part of the administrative staff and was last on campus March 20. They are self-isolating at home and following the guidelines of the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Tennessee Department of Health.

While the identity of this employee has not been released, the local Tennessee Department of Health is contacting anyone who has had close contact with the individual in question. Individuals who are not contacted by the TDH are not considered at risk according to the email.

Out of caution, relevant offices have been closed for proper cleaning, and the campus remains closed to all students as Milligan continues to encourage staff to work from home and for everyone to practice social distancing.

President Greer has also asked that the community pray for this member of our staff as the situation progresses. 

For more information and updates on the impact of COVID-19 on the Milligan community you can visit the Milligan health website:

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