Senior graphic design majors Amy Shumaker, Bethany Sodergren and Cora Wymer are showcasing their original art pieces in digital illustration, print design, type design, package design, and other digital media. Their work is displayed in Milligan’s art gallery in Derthick Hall from Nov. 17 – Dec. 6.
Shumaker, Sodergren and Wymer each have about 10 pieces displayed in the showcase. The gallery features new pieces as well as some older pieces that were revised by the artists.
Sodergren’s pieces were inspired by humor. “When I am going through a hard time something small that makes me laugh could turn my entire day around,” Sodergren said. “If my work could do that for someone else it would make me happy.”

Wymer was able to draw inspiration because each piece had a purpose. “A lot of my pieces have been assignments or projects I have done for family or friends,” Wymer said. “For the current chapel series (for which Wymer designed a logo) a quote inspired my work.”
Shumaker drew inspiration from classes, clients and internships. “I like to do work that impacts the community that I am in because it is more personal to me,” Shumaker said. “My work comes from places like Milligan, the humanities program and The Birthplace of Country Music Museum in Bristol.”
Every piece means something different to the seniors. Each senior was assigned to create a banner. Sodergren’s banner is a word search from a typeface she previously made. “The typeface took forever. It was taxing to get each letter lined up,” Sodergren said. “I am especially proud of that piece.”
A piece Shumaker is proud of included one of her own photographs. She was given permission to photograph a human skull from the biology program. “I like that piece a lot, but I don’t know if I could pick a favorite because they are all like my children,” Shumaker said.
Each artist has a common theme or idea they want their audiences to take away from their pieces featured in the gallery. Sodergren, Wymer, and Shumaker all mentioned how they want audiences to see the amount of hard work and thought goes into each design.
Wymer’s designs are based around simplicity. “I want audiences to see that less is more sometimes,’ Wymer said. “I believe that simplicity can be inspirational.”
“The audience sees pieces we poured our hearts and part of ourselves into,” Sodergren said. “Design is making something, seeing it could be better, and remaking it again and again.”
The showcase kicked off with an opening reception on Nov. 17 and is available for viewing now.
Headline photo: The Derthick Art Gallery is full of work by Sodergren, Shumaker, and Wymer.