Milligan’s International Justice Mission, or IJM, club celebrated the Global Night of Prayer on Nov. 9. The event took place in the Jeanes room in the Village and was led by senior Madi Troyer.

The night of prayer featured four speakers from different countries with a time of prayer in between each, and the event was live-streamed all around the world. “Specifically college campuses and churches are hosting this event,” said Troyer. 

IJM is a non-governmental organization that hosts events, and its central focus is to come together to end slavery. They are the largest anti-slavery organization in the world. “IJM, as a club on campus, is spreading awareness and fundraising for rescue missions,” said Troyer. 

Troyer hopes that people become aware of slavery in our community and around the world through this event. 

“Slavery is not gone,” said Troyer. “It’s actually more prevalent today than it has ever been. I hope God will stir emotion in people’s hearts to want to take action, whether it be advocacy or prayer.”

Troyer feels strongly about the organization and has been involved with IJM since her freshman year at Milligan. She started by going to events held on campus and her desire for the cause grew from there. As her interest for the cause grew she started speaking with whoever she could and to the current leader.”Eventually, through having those conversations, I was able to take the next step into leadership,” said Troyer. “My junior year I became president, so I’ve just been running events on campus since then.” 

Carlee McKeehan has been working with IJM since last year and helped Troyer plan the event. “I’m good friends with Madi, and I knew she was president, so I talked to her about becoming involved with the leadership team,” she said. “When Madi graduates I’m more than willing to step into a leadership position to take over and lead my senior year.” 

To become involved with IJM, email Troyer or talk with Brad Wallace. 

Headline photo: A Ghanaian girl named Esther was freed from slavery by IJM. Photo from

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