Milligan’s Counseling Center will be hosting weekly group discussions every Monday throughout the month of October. These meetings will be held in the Jeanes Community Room, and they will focus on topics concerning the basic human desire to belong. Some possible topics include relationships, sense of belonging, friendship, dating and community.

Dr. Christine Browning helps run the Monday weekly discussions.

The focus group was created so students could have a safe place to talk about everyday topics and issues. For some, being in a group and hearing other people have the same or similar issues makes it easier to share. Groups also provide a unique dynamic, allowing multiple perspectives to be seen and heard.

Group discussions also help people perfect and practice skills and learn to relate and communicate with others. 

“The way a person ‘shows up’ or relates to others is rooted in the basic human need to belong,” said Associate Professor of Counseling, Dr. Christine Browning. “The idea is that the group discussions will help identify relationships that are positive and help promote ways to enhance communication and positive relationships.”

Browning talked about the possible topics for the discussions, saying that they are just a starting point. “There will likely be things that come up during the discussions, and that’s okay,” she said. “That’s what we are here for, to listen and help others with whatever they need.”

She also explained the importance of the topics, and why the overall theme is dealing with the desire to belong. “An individual’s ability or inability to relate to others affects every area of their life,” said Browning. She added that knowing how to interact with others and cope with their behavior can help in social situations and other areas of life.

Browning also said that while the initial intention is to meet once a week during October, the number of meetings and the frequency may change. She said that it all depends on the interest, purpose of the group and the topic being covered.

The Counseling Center is excited for the weekly meetings and the opportunity for students to share and interact with each other. “I think the topics of belonging, especially healthy relationships, are great,” said Dr. Rebecca Sapp, director of the Counseling Center. “I hope students will participate in this discussion opportunity.”

The Counseling Center also provides professional, short-term counseling for Milligan students, faculty and staff free of charge. Their goal is to ensure help for those in need and provide a safe place to talk and work through personal issues. 

The Counseling Center is located in the Taylor-Phillips House and is open Monday through Friday by appointment. To schedule an appointment call (423) 461-8500 or email

Headline photo: The Counseling Center. Photo by the Johnson City Press.

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