Milligan professors Dr. Lee Blackburn Junior, associate professor of history and humanities, and Dr. Michael Blouin, associate professor of English and humanities, are co-hosting a new podcast called “Black and Blou: A Humane Review.” The Stampede interviewed the co-hosts, and here is an introduction, in their own words, to their new project.

Q: Where did the idea of having a podcast come from? What inspired you to do a podcast?

Blackburn: Dr. Blouin and I both enjoy podcasts. It’s really the basis of our relationship; we don’t have anything else in common.

Q: What do you and Blackburn anticipate getting out of the podcast?

Blouin: Dr. Blackburn really roped me into this scheme. Tbh, it’s a long con to sell a bunch of cheap merchandise.

Q: Do you expect the podcast to be interactive with students? Will you be accepting questions or requests from your audience?

Blouin: We NEED listener submissions to feed the beast. “More content!” our overlords tell us. Submit any questions, or issues you’re having that need words of wisdom, to our show’s Twitter page, @HumaneReview

Q: What is the primary purpose of the podcast? What is it about?

Blackburn: We want to help deepen students’ appreciation of the finer things in life, like art, poetry, and cinema. Also, we’re hoping to monetize it as quickly as possible so that we can retire within the next two years.

Q: Is this going to be a long-term or short-term project?

Blouin: Hopefully short-term. Dr. Blackburn thinks we’re going to be able to use the profits to retire within two years. I don’t have the heart to tell him that our audience will be seven people, and that our “merch” is shoddy at best. But hey… why not give it a listen? #YOLO

Q: Who is the target audience?

Blackburn: The entire world, obviously, but primarily Scientologists.

Q: Describe the co-host dynamic between yourself and Blackburn.

Blouin: One made of class (me), one made of crass (him) – we’re the original Odd Couple! It’s like the pizza restaurants in New York, the ones that all claim to be the “original” Ray’s pizza. But clearly, you can’t have more than one “original” Ray’s! Myself, I’ve always been more of a Chicago deep dish guy. I know it’s not good for the old ticker, but gosh, I love to get a big spoonful of that deep dish pizza. Yummy! Wait, what was the question?

Q: Why do you believe this podcast is important? Where do you feel its impact will be most felt?

Blackburn: I’m glad you asked, because when people say, give me one word that describes your podcast, I say: important. If I’m given a second word, it’s unctuous.

Q: Is there anything else people should know about the podcast?

Blouin: We cannot guarantee that the t-shirts with our logo won’t simply dissolve upon washing. No refunds.

The podcast has not been released to the public, but the first episode will come soon. The team plans to record a “special Halloween episode” which may be the first episode to be released. When the podcast does finally come out, look out for it on the Milligan Radio and also iTunes.

Headline photo: The cover art for Black and Blou: A Humane Review. Design by Mandy Lorch.

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