This year, it has become evident to me how much we, as students, don’t know about our Student Government Association. Following this successful year, I feel it is more important now to recognize the power that SGA has over our college experience at Milligan. Not only is SGA in charge of organizing events that make our life on campus more exciting, it is also the very body that allows students to have a voice on campus, as acknowledged by SGA President Somang Lee.

“Representation matters,” Lee said. “SGA is the bridge between students and the administration, which allows each student to have a voice.”  

Coming to America from France, I brought my conception of what a student government is  back home. I thought it was a simple student association in charge of organizing events and parties by collecting students’ feedback for future events. This was the main reason I had little interest in running for SGA last year. But, as I started looking a little deeper into their actions this year, I could not help but notice the impact of SGA had in enacting change on campus.

This year, Milligan’s SGA has had a role in proposing new policies like the Title IX (Good Samaritan) policy, speaking on behalf of students on the rollout of the new parking sticker policy and even supporting the community in times of need. When I saw how SGA was listening to students and making a change, I realized that the organization actually had an impact on the security and college experience of students.

As a student and athlete, I am aware of the wants and needs of the student body, but the only way to see these fulfilled is to commit and make it happen. I have been raised with the idea that everything is always earned, and the only way for that to occur is to make things happen yourself and speak out for what you want to see.

I am passionate about enacting the types of change we have seen put in place by SGA this past year. This is why I have decided to run for Senior Class President. Only when we recognize the impact our student government can have, can we begin to implement the changes we wish to see. By enacting positive change, I believe I can contribute to the positive legacy the senior class will leave behind for current and future Buffs!

If we continue to have a passion for progress and for listening to the students, SGA will be able to put words into action and make Milligan a better school for all.


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