Students living in the Village will be given a new color to promote their parking only in the upper lot.

While driving around Milligan’s campus, there are a few colors that students, faculty and staff can identify quite quickly.

Parked or driving cars affiliated with Milligan can be easily identified by a blue, yellow, orange, green or black sticker which identifies traditional students, Emmanuel students and also faculty and staff. One new sticker will be added to the bunch for students living in the Village in the fall.

“SGA gave us the proposal back in the fall, and we reviewed and passed it a little earlier this semester,” Brent Nipper, Director of Property and Risk Management said. “The suggestion of a new color sticker had been brought up before on a couple of occasions, but since it was student pushed, we wanted to listen.”

A grey parking sticker will be given to those juniors and seniors to signify that they are living in the Village, and they will be required to park in the upper lot behind their housing.

I think that this will make the Village lot much more crowded, which will make more residents have to park farther away from their own building,” junior Joel Richardson said. “I don’t think that Hart, Williams, or married housing residents will be impacted too much because they always seem to have extra spots open, regardless of whether Village residents are parking there or not.”

Village students previously have been able to park anywhere on the lower level of the housing part of campus like around the field house, at the back of Hart and Williams and even in front of the married student housing.

“This change should shift everything back towards the dorms,” Nipper said. “Students should be able to park closer to their residencies.”

The initial change may be a bit of a disturbance to students who have lived in the village previously and have been able to park wherever.

“This may be a minor inconvenience for some us in the first few weeks of next semester, but then we’ll end up getting used to it,” Richardson said.

Students who live in housing nearest to the lower parking lots are looking forward to hopefully having a few more spots to choose from.

“I think it’s a good idea because the people in the Village having yellow stickers has caused those living in the married housing, Williams and Hart to have to rearrange themselves,” junior AJ Trabold said. “I have had to park all the way up in the Village lot even though it’s a much longer way to married housing than to the Village.”

According to Nipper, an email to formally announce the change will most likely come at the beginning of the next school year when the parking policy and student handbook are sent out.

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