Saturday, March 16, the Campus Activity Board hosted the first movie of its Saturday movie night series, and the first movie night since TWIRP week. About thirty-five students gathered in SUB 7 to watch “Mary Poppins Returns.” Jason Onks, Director of Campus Activities wrote, “given the venue size it felt like a good number of students attended. I was pleased and hope more will attend for the next two.” Campus Activities provided drinks and snacks for attendees. The event experienced some technical difficulties with the audio which were soon resolved.
“Mary Poppins Returns” is the 2018 sequel to Disney’s “Mary Poppins” (1964). The film “Mary Poppins Returns” finds an adult Michael Banks (Ben Wishaw) grieving for the loss of his wife and working to pay off a loan from the Fidelity Fiduciary bank. The magical nanny Mary Poppins (Emily Blunt) arrives to attend to Michael’s children while he and Jane (Emily Mortimer) work to save their childhood home on Cherry Tree Lane.
Onks wrote that movies were selected by the Campus Activities Board with the following criteria:
“a. Must have been within the last two years
- Not on Netflix (although we have one that is currently on Netflix)
- Rating must be PG-13 or below”
Campus activities will show two more movies this month. Crazy Rich Asians will be shown at 9 p.m. this Saturday, and Black Panther will be shown on March 30 at 9 p.m..