Mike Featherston, junior Exercise Science major, dribbles the ball up the court. Photo courtesy of Milligan Athletics

  • In a new tradition, the Leaders in Christian Service Awards Ceremony was held during the first chapel service of the semester to outline outstanding servants in the community in light of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Ethan Magness, pastor of First Christian Church in Johnson City, spoke before nine individuals received awards for their servanthood in the community. To learn more about the Leaders in Christian Service award, visit https://www.milligan.edu/lcs/.
  • Welshimer Library held the first on-campus escape room challenge on Friday, Jan. 18 for 50 students and faculty members who were up to the task.
  • Both men’s and women’s basketball defeated the St. Andrews Knights on Saturday, Jan. 19.
  • Milligan College was represented by many students and more than 12 Athletic teams who participated in acts of service all over the community on Monday, Jan. 21 in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Some of these acts included working for Habitat for Humanity, going to Camp Bays Mountain to help clean up, picking up trash with Carter County Proud and even visiting the Courtyards Senior Living center to spend time with the patients the there.
  • The men’s basketball team outscored Tennessee Wesleyan by just four points on MLK Day to bring their game winning streak up to nine. The women’s team was just barely out scored by the same opponent in their final match of the long weekend.

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