• Homecoming Week took place from October 22 to 27.
  • On October 22-23, Women’s Golf earned 4th place at the Chick-Fil-A Collegiate Invitational. SGA held an Apple Fest which featured apple slices, apple sauce, apple cider, and apple pie.
  • On October 23, Women’s Volleyball won against Tennessee Wesleyan University. Music students held a recital in Seeger Chapel.
  • On October 24, Men’s Tennis lost against Mars Hill University while Men’s and Women’s Soccer beat Union College. SGA held a S’mores and Pumpkin Carving event.
  • On October 25, Brian Talty, Associate Pastor of First Christian Church, spoke in Chapel. Men’s Basketball lost their first game against the University of the Cumberlands. Opening night for Milligan’s production of Around the World in 80 Days took place in the Gregory Center.
  • On October 26, the Book+Art Exhibit began. Men’s and Women’s Swimming took 3rd place at the Sewanee Invitational, and Women’s Volleyball won against Montreat College. Milligan also held an awards ceremony for alumni at the Celebrate Milligan dinner. SGA hosted a midnight dodgeball event in the Steve Lacy Fieldhouse.
  • On October 27, multiple class reunions took place ranging from 1968-2013, Alumni Ty Lee held an opening in lower Derthick for his art exhibit “Cycles of Cynicism”, and Men’s Soccer lost while Women’s Soccer won against Columbia International University.

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