On March 25, the Milligan faculty and staff gathered in the cafeteria to celebrate the five men and women that will be retiring at the end of this school year: Sue Skidmore, Kevin Harkey, Helen Bowman, Vikki Sitter and Charlene Thomas. Dr. Diane Junker, former professor of chemistry and area chair of scientific learning, already retired at the end of last semester.

Registrar Sue Skidmore has worked at Milligan for almost 40 years. She started working at Milligan in January 1980 when she was ready to resume work outside of her home after her sons were in elementary school. Skidmore is thankful for the opportunity to have worked with co-workers that have turned into a family.

“There’s nothing better that I do in my job than meeting with students, whether it’s preparing a worksheet to plot coursework remaining to be completed or discussing with international students and athletes what it’s like to come to Milligan,” Skidmore said.

Approaching the age of 75 has led Skidmore to the decision to retire. She is ready for someone who is younger and has more energy to take over her responsibilities. At this point, she has no plans after retirement but is just looking forward to what the days will hold.

Another staff member that will be retiring is the assistant to the president, Kevin Harkey. He has been a staff member since 2002, when he fulfilled his dream of working at Milligan. As a graduate from Milligan, Harkey was beyond excited to accept this position. Milligan has provided him with life-long relationships.

“Milligan helped me to understand and experience an educational environment where faith and learning were truly integrated,” Harkey said. “I was able to build lifelong relationships with professors, staff and students based not only on common interests but on a shared Christian faith, which encompassed all of life.”

Upon retirement, Harkey and his wife, Carrie, plan on spending more time with their five grandchildren.

Professor Helen Bowman also plans to retire at the end of this semester. Bowman is currently a professor of education, and she has been a part of the Milligan College faculty for the past 15 years. Bowman chose to accept the part-time position at Milligan after she decided to retire from public school teaching in 2003.

“Caregiving responsibilities and my advanced age influenced my decision to gift someone else with the opportunity for the same joys I have experienced here at Milligan,” Bowman said.

Once she retires, Bowman plans on continuing her learning as she teaches students in adult literacy classes. She also plans on serving as a volunteer for the Johnson City Public Library.

Dr. Vikki Sitter will also retire at the end of this semester. She is currently a professor for the business program and the MBA program. She is also responsible for course design and assessment methods for Professional Studies.

Dr. Charlene Thomas will become a retiree at the end of this semester. Thomas has been an adjunct instructor of humanities since 1989. She graduated from Milligan and was planning to teach at a local high school, but her plans changed when she received a call to be an adjunct professor for humanities. Before she knew it, she was a full-time member of the faculty.

“Milligan shaped me as a student, and I pray that I have shaped students in turn,” Thomas said. “It has been a place where I have cultivated rich friendships with colleagues and students. I have worked with wonderful individuals, and I have been blessed to teach some of the world’s best students.”

After retirement, Thomas and her husband plan on traveling to different places. She is ready to pursue the other things that she loves in life and is looking forward to spending more time with her husband and family.

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