Dear Brutus,

Sadly, I’m stuck here in East Tennessee for spring break and I’m not excited. There is nothing to do here, and I’m worried I will just sit around doing nothing. Do you have any idea of things that I can do around here?

Please give me some ideas,

I’m Scared of Being Bored

Dear I’m Scared of Being Bored,

There is tons to do around East Tennessee. You can hike up mountains, like Roan or Buffalo. You can go on a restaurant walk and experience the growing downtown of Johnson City. You can even attend a local concert at Willow Tree Coffeehouse and Music Room. There’s so much to do out here. However, do take note that you should seek to stay somewhere off campus if you don’t live nearby. According to an email sent by Heather Jackson, there will be a $25 per night fee to stay on campus.

I, personally, have enjoyed the warm spring weather lately and from what my senses tell me, it’s still going to be warm over break. Enjoy the sun, walk along the river at Sycamore Shoals, just get outside after you’ve had to be inside studying for two months.

Another point to make, though, is one you may not like too much: It’s OK to be bored. Whenever I get to spring break, I feel as though I’m crawling across the finish line, exhausted and in need of sleep. I encourage you to rest this spring break and, if you want to go out and do things, that’s fine, but remember that we have the rest of a school year to finish out–and it only gets harder from here. Do things that refresh you and bring you joy, and get ready for the rest of the battle.

Good luck, and happy spring,


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