Milligan’s Social Work Club hosted a suicide prevention training event on National Mental Health Awareness Day, Oct. 10.
Cicely Alvis, division director of specialty services for Frontier Health, was the trainer at the event. She taught the Question, Persuade, Refer, or QPR method, which is one of the easiest methods to teach and learn.
The night started out with just basic facts about suicide, which are not always talked about since it is a difficult subject. Suicide has become a very taboo topic, but if this stigma is not broken, suicide rates will not drop.
Alvis then went into the QPR method. The first step, Question, involves stopping and questioning someone if you think there is a chance that they could be considering suicide. Alvis emphasized the point that though this will be uncomfortable, it is so important. You need to show them that you care.
Following questioning comes persuasion. Persuade them to talk to someone. Persuade them to realize suicide is never the answer. Persuade them that there is hope.

The final step is to refer them to a professional that can actually help them. While you are a good first step, if you are not a professional you cannot give them the help they need. Referring them to a professional is the next step they need to take. Absolutely offer to go with them, but let them know they need to see someone. It’s the same thing you would do if they had broken their arm. If someone is sick, whether physically or mentally, they need to see a professional about it.
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number is 800-273-8255. It is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you or anyone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts or actions, this is always an option. Talking to your friends is also a great option. They will not judge you. They will be grateful that you opened up to them and that you are seeking help, because they love you and want you around.
Milligan also offers free counseling services for any Milligan student, professor or staff member. You can call 423-461-8500 or email to set up an appointment. It is free and confidential and will help students work through depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and things of this nature.
Frontier Health’s number is 877-928-9062, which is a more local hotline if that is better for you. There is no need to walk through this alone. There are so many options and revenues to make sure you or your friends are safe.