Dear Brutus,

My family is coming to Milligan for the first time for Homecoming. What do you suggest we do while they’re here?


Out of Ideas

Dear Out of Ideas,

Homecoming is a great time for family to visit! The weather is finally starting to cool down and the mountains are beautiful with the leaves changing. On campus, we have several events going on. First, we have the annual performance by the theater department. This year they are performing “Menaechmi” in Gregory. It is a comedy about two twins and mistaken identity. The showtimes are Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Saturday is when most events are taking place. The Homecoming parade will be held at 1:30 p.m. along Blowers Blvd. After the parade, I suggest going to the concert in Seeger at 3:30. This year’s theme is “On Broadway” and should be very good. The women’s soccer game starts at 4 p.m. on Anglin Field, and the men’s game follows at 6:30. If your family wants to stick around for powderpuff, it starts right after the men’s soccer game ends.

If you’re looking for things to do off campus, I recommend you get outside and take them hiking. Like I said, the mountains are beautiful this time of year. Buffalo Mountain and Roan Mountain are two great hiking places and, if you ask around, many people have their own personal favorite hiking spots they can recommend. For meals, introduce them to a local restaurant. Some of my favorites are Scratch Brick Oven Pizza, White Duck Taco Shop and Cootie Browns. If you want a nice breakfast place, check out Tupelo Honey Cafe and The Main Street Pizza Company. You could also take them to Bristol and visit Blackbird Bakery for some delicious desserts–just remember, they’re closed on Sundays.

Hope this helps!

Happy Homecoming,


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