In a unanimous vote Sunday morning, March 19, the congregation of Hopwood Memorial Christian Church approved the construction of an addition to their current church building.

The church plans to remove the front stairs, porch and vestibule of their present building and add a 4,075 square-foot structure in front of their sanctuary.

“The building we are currently in was constructed in the late ‘30s,” Hopwood Minister Tim Ross said. “And so this is the building for our generation, and we hope to bring it into the 21st century and create a beautiful gathering space.”

The expansion will provide increased worship, fellowship and classroom spaces. It will also provide handicap accessibility.

“We realized access to the building is difficult for anyone with physical limitations or mobility issues,” Ross said. “The new entrance will allow people to come in at sanctuary level and into a new gathering space that will include restrooms and an elevator.”

Through the expansion, seating for about 45 people will be added to the back of the sanctuary. Similarly, the fellowship hall in the lower level will benefit with increased seating of about 80 seats.

Ross said the addition of a front gathering area will not only allow space for coat storage, restrooms and an information center, but it will also supply the church with a gathering area that serves as a place of real welcome.

This construction project is set to start immediately after Milligan graduation on May 8 and will take about 9 months or longer to complete.

Maximum cost for construction is $1,642,523. Hopwood is currently raising funds for the project and is also looking to finance through a loan of at least $1 million.

Ross considers this as more than just an investment in a building. He considers the expansion as an investment in the community and the next generation.

“We have benefited from this beautiful structure that was built for us by the generation past, and our hope is that this building will be a functional, beautiful, worship filled space for this generation and the generations yet to come.”

Hopwood gives over 25 percent of their budget to international missionaries and ministries around the world. During construction, the church has decided not to step back on their giving with hopes to grow these ministries as they grow their building.

“God has placed us right here between a seminary and a college and allowed us to minister here for many generations,” Ross said. “By moving forward with construction we are saying to Milligan and the community that we are here and that we are entering a new phase for a new generation.”

During the construction process, the Hopwood congregation hopes to meet in a Milligan facility for about three to six months.

The proposed design for Hopwood’s expansion
Photo by Reedy & Sykes Architecture and Design

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