Milligan College will, once again, be a hosting site for the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. This will be the eighth year the program has taken place at the college.

Occurring over three days – Feb. 18, March 18, and April 1 – from 8 a.m. to 4  p.m., individuals can come to Milligan College and receive help preparing their taxes.

The VITA program offers free tax preparations for individuals who usually make $64,000 or less a year, those with disabilities, individuals with limited English-speaking abilities and those over the age of 55.

Milligan began participating in the program in 2009 in order to serve the Johnson City area.

The program allows individuals, including Milligan students, who are trained and certified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), to take part in the process, allowing them to gain experience in their field of study. These students prepare hundreds of tax returns every year for residents.

For tax assistance through Milligan’s VITA program, you must schedule an appointment. Out of 216 slots, there is currently only a single slot left open, for the April 1 session.

Those wishing to participate must bring proof of identification, Social Security card, spouse and dependents, birth dates for the tax return, the total paid for any daycare provider and their provider’s tax identifying number.

For more information on the requirements, those wishing to partake can visit the IRS’s website and see the full list of requirements.

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