November is on its way, and as students join in on the current political discourse,  Milligan College Republicans President Tessa Stevenson said the club will support Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

While many on campus were unsure of MCR’s stance, Stevenson clarified that the organization and its members will keep an open mind as they continue to inform students about the other candidates and their policies.

“If there is a candidate that you feel strongly for, no matter (if they’re) Republican, Democrat or third party, if they are what you want in a president, then vote for them because you need to stay true to what you believe and not vote for the sake of the party,” Stevenson said.

Reagan Jeffers, head of public relations for MCR, said she and other club leaders want to give students the opportunity and freedom “to think” about their vote.

“We want to allow people to hear the facts and to make their own opinion,” Jeffers said. “We are not going to force people to believe a certain thing.”

Jeffers and Stevenson want club members to focus their efforts on campaigning for state and local candidates. This, they believe, will further progress the organization and the Republican Party as a whole.

“People really need to get involved, watch debates, get on their (candidate’s) websites, see where they stand on foreign policy, see where they stand on immigration, before they make a decision based on what they have heard in just the media and on social media,” Stevenson said.

MCR leaders plan on bringing guest speakers to Milligan in order to educate members as well as non-members on the Republican party.

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