Over 500 children came out for Milligan College’s eighth annual Trunk-or-Treat event last Thursday. The event is sponsored by LINC (Linking Individuals to the Needs of the Community).

Milligan students hand out candy and interact with children during the event.
From left to right: Rebekah Lewis, Sierra Plese, Samara Clark, Emily McGee, Lindsey Keys

“A safe and fun environment for children, ‘Trunk or Treat’ will give area youth an opportunity to enjoy this age old custom in a new and exciting way” said a press release from the student-run organization (LINC).

The growing new tradition of trunk-or-treating is a safe alternative to traveling from house to house asking for candy. Communities have adopted the original concept from the classic trick-or-treating custom but added an exciting twist: instead of migrating from house to house in the dark, the event is held in a parking lot with parents and guardians present.

Parking lots were blocked off Thursday afternoon at 4:45 p.m. in order to set up for the event. The Faculty Office Building parking lot was taped off in order to separate and protect cars from trunk-or-treaters.

Parking areas around the Faculty Office Building, as well as the large parking lot behind the SUB were blocked off late Thursday afternoon in order to set up for Trunk or Treat.
Photo Credit: Caroline Testerman

Thirty-five groups of Milligan College students put together costumes and decorated their trunks to hand out candy at this year’s event and compete to win the best trunk. Trunk-or-treaters began arriving on campus at 6 p.m. and did not leave until 9 p.m. The line for candy began at the Faculty Office Building and wrapped all the way around to the baseball field and Paxson Communications Building.

“My group did the theme of Peter Pan this year,” said junior Jessie Wheelock. “I like to dress up and hand out candy to little kids every year because it gives the little ones a chance to not only dress up and get candy, but also get candy from people that are also dressed up enjoying the holiday! I am sad that we didn’t win best costumes but we had some stiff competition this year and the winners were well deserved!”

Among some of the themes for this year’s trunks were Disney Princesses, Bumble Bees, Lumberjacks, Star Wars, Monsters Inc., Sesame Street, and more. The winners of the student costume contest went to the Winnie the Pooh trunk. The group were awarded gift cards and other prizes for their outstanding costumes.

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