The Stampede has chosen to focus on sustainability this year. We believe that God has blessed us with this Earth, and we want to take care of it.

One way Milligan wants to make sure that we take care of the Earth is by recycling. However, sometimes Milligan students don’t know where the recycling bins on campus are. The Stampede asked senior Praise Gichuru — who initiated the fight for more recycling bins as Student Affairs chair in the spring of 2017 and continued it into the summer — and service manager Theresa McCrary where the bins are and what the best way to recycle on campus is.

Recycling bins sit in Jeanes Room. Photo by Daniel Peacock.

Milligan recycles paper, cardboard, cans and plastic. We do not recycle glass, and paper is not recycled in the dorms. Once the recycling bins are full, the housekeeping staff takes the recycling out to the marked bins behind the fieldhouse that are then emptied by Johnson City Solid Waste.

Most offices on campus have a small cardboard box under the desk for recycling.If you need to recycle paper, you can find recycling bins here:

  • Hardin in both the second and third floor hallways
  • Derthick in the registrar and the Academic Dean’s area on first floor, the mail room on second floor and the computer labs on third floor
  • Science Building in third floor copy room
  • Library in the main area of the library and downstairs by the copy machine
  • Communications building by front door on main level

To recycle cardboard, a designated dumpster is located behind the cafeteria.

If you need to recycle cans, you can find recycling bins at:

  • Derthick first floor hallway and on the second floor close to the vending machines
  • Library in the coffee room and front door foyer  
  • Sutton on both floors in the hall room and in the basement by the vending machines
  • Hart on the first floor
  • The Village in the Jeanes Community room

If you need to recycle plastic, you can find recycling bins at:

  • Sutton on both floors in the little hall room and downstairs in the basement by the vending machines
  • Hart on the second and third floors
  • Webb lobby
  • The Village in the Jeanes Community room
  • Kegley, Quillen and Williams lobbies

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